How should we rename countries (including the US) to piss them off?

Canada --> Quebec

United Kingdom --> United States (nothing else, just United States)

Germany --> Schnitzeland (Austria invented schnitzel, I think)

Austria --> New Berliner (the doughnuts)

France --> Omelet du Fromage (I know they love that trope)

Belgium --> North Schnitzeland

The Netherlands --> Holland

Spain --> Incan Gold

Portugal --> New Brazil

Norway --> Sweden

Sweden --> Denmark

Denmark --> Iceland

Iceland --> the Waterfall (apparently tourists go there and ask where the waterfall is)

Finland --> New Russia

Scotland --> England

England --> Scotland

Wales --> Llaldjalakalaldkdjflllandnsbfkaksnfnsmandjsisnsmfnsllldnfksllland (bound to piss them off because I typed something random that looks like it could be a Welsh word to anyone not Welsh)

Ireland --> Southern Ireland

I apologize to anyone this post might offend. It's all in fun. :)

/r/AskAnAmerican Thread