How do you show respect, non-verbally?

I'm asking to improve myself at work.

It's been pointed out to me that there are times I sound, act, or present things to people in a disrespectful manner. I'm unsure if this was the most-correct adjective they wished to convey, but nonetheless I agree with the criticism. My problem is I realize my errors often too late after judgment has been passed upon me. I'm going to start with personal health - maybe that will wake my brain up more in the moment. I've been just as blindsided when other jobs don't work out so well, because there was some triggering moment and the rapport goes immediately south after. I can write emails as PC and cheery as they can be, I feel I convey myself well enough there (and here on reddit).

Maybe as soon as 6 months ago I would think of a list of excuses: "people are projecting their anger onto me", "im blacklisted because I'm a millennial", "I was just hyped up on caffeine / tired from last night". No matter how true these excuses may be when applied to an individual event - I don't think this kind of thinking is exactly a healthy way to round out each of these disrespectful moments of mine.

So that's where my head is at with this question. If anyone has seen themselves in similar situations in the working world - I'd love to hear your thoughts.

/r/AskReddit Thread