How to signal a friendly sniper in Hardcore

Why are you assuming I paid to play competitively? By your own argument, people pay for different reasons. I paid to have fun. Just because it's a competitive game, and I know most people are playing to at least TRY doesn't mean it's why I paid. But I paid, so fuck the point of the thing I paid for, and fuck the other people who paid. Sorry, but your just gonna have to deal with me and my "fun" cuz I paid to be here.

Or if you want to consider some other analogies, next time you have a group project don't worry about trying to get a good grade or what everyone else is trying to do. You paid the tuition so whatever the fuck you want to do is fine and dandy.

Or, the next time you buy some fast food, feel free to make some "funny" rude comments to the employees. You paid for the food, and it isn't against the law to be shitty to other people, so it's totally fair. Sorry, but I think it's fun to make jokes about other people.'s pretty tough to find an analogy justifying shitty behavior and being a nuisance to other's just because you paid for something...but, but I know it's fine when it comes to videogames...

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