How do we solve the supreme court problem and trump

First, raise class consciousness among working people.

Second, organize those working people across industries into revolutionary organizations (outside of existing unions) to raise class consciousness in their communities, protest, demonstrate, and strike.

Third, create revolutionary organizations that build proto-socialist cooperatives (workplaces) and collectives (living places).

Fourth, federate those cooperatives and collectives together into a governing body that uses pooled resources to reproduce more cooperatives and collectives and bring them into the federation. And to provide resources and legal supports for their constituent cooperatives and collectives and workers on strike outside the federation.

Fifth, buy land that is then held and directed by the federation, thus collectively owned by the constituent cooperatives and collectives.

Sixth, expand the scope of the cooperatives and collectives into (proto-socialist) banks, hospitals, clinics, and schools.

Doing this creates counter-power outside of already established political and economic institutions that provides a base of power from which to agitate for revolution.

/r/Political_Revolution Thread