how to get someone to talk about themselves?

I am going to share some questions from a course I took 3 years ago. The questions are actually for using at networking events, but many of them can be adapted to parties or other social situations where you are trying to get to know the other person and get them to talk a bit about themselves.

Conversation Starters

What was the best part of your day and the worst part of your day so far?

Did you see that viral (fill in description) YouTube video? It was all over my social media today.

Have you met anyone interesting tonight?

So, I'm not sure where to go on vacation this year. Have you taken a good vacation recently?

Do you have a favorite book, movie, or song? What about it resonates with you?

I made the last one up myself. Did you notice what they have in common? They ask the for the other person's views, experiences, likes and dislikes, and get them talking about themselves.

/r/mentalhealth Thread