How to Spot a Shill 101: "Where's the conspiracy!?!" "This place is TD 2.0" "Bring back lizard people and UFOs"...They're making it too damn easy!

No, I think it makes you indifferent to or ignorant of our sub's rules.

The rules the mod team selectively enforces? Why are you allowing memes to be upvoted to the top nearly every day? While not a rule, why do you never put the "Misleading" flairs on any of the posts about the fake Twitter account that lied about being related go the Jacob Blake situation? Its things like these that make people say this sub is a right-wing echochamber.

Honestly, my biggest problem is the memes. You either need to remove Rule 6 or start removing these shitty, low effort memes.

Until you do, you cant tell anyone that they dont have respect for the rules while you clearly dont respect them either.

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