how to start an emancipation process at age 15?

these are the requirements for getting emancipated.

  1. Be at least 14 years of age; hes 15, we are doing this once hes 16.

  2. Have a plan for living arrangements following emancipation; hes going to his aunts home

  3. Be living independently with their parents’/legal guardians’ consent. Consent can be obtained from a parent/guardian after the fact, as long as it is filed in court. Even if a child is unable to obtain consent, the court may determine that the parents “acquiesced” — for example, by not strongly objecting to the separate living arrangements; he does everything for himself, he is able to cook, clean, and pay for his own meals and is able to (since he doesnt have a car) get his own ride places without his mothers help.

  4. Already be managing their own financial affairs. The court determines this based on evidence introduced at a court hearing on the petition for emancipation; he has his own credit cards with his information which he barely spends on anything that isnt food or clothing for himself.

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