How do you start dating in your twenties if you never have before?

Online dating apps are a great place to start. It bypasses the problem of people not wanting to be asked out in everyday life, whether that's out of anxiety or just being busy. Everyone on an online dating app wants to be asked out, so there's no reason to be afraid of asking.

You're not gonna meet Mr/Mrs SovietSquidward on your first match, and there'll probably be several times you don't get past the first date, but none of that matters. It's all about getting comfortable with talking to members of your preferred sex, & getting an idea of what you're looking for in a partner.

Of course, there are little tips and tricks to make yourself look good on online dating apps. Looking presentable (a decent haircut makes a world of difference) as well as basic hygiene are important. Taking pictures with good lighting (literally all you have to do is go outside and turn your face towards the sun - voila, perfect lighting) is also a game changer.

Opening messages to matches with literally anything other than "Sup" is good too. I used to open with something like "Hi X, it seems we've matched. I just have one all-important, destiny-deciding question that'll determine the future of our relationship -" and then I'd send something jokey-controversial like "Does pineapple go on pizza?" Or "Is tea a type of soup?"

I got replies 100% of the time when I did that

/r/AskMen Thread