How do you start opening up?

Male, 24, been graduated from college. But my biggest weakness is not being able to open up to people. I just grew up in a household where "toughen up" was the remedy to everything. Even when I had problems, I never shared them with my parents and tried to keep it all hidden because I didn't want to burden my parents. This caused me to hide problems and negative emotions because I didn't want to bother them because I knew they were working hard to make ends meet. They didn't need the additional problems of me having a bad day, so I would just keep it locked in because my parents had enough to worry about....

Eventually I just started realizing I internalize all my problems. Now I realize, I am simply incapable of admitting I have moments of weakness....I have a hard time opening up to friends or potential dating partners...well because I have never done it before...

/r/AskReddit Thread