How do I get started on anything?

When looking into a subject or skill to learn, I often find myself spending an absurd amount of time preparing myself to get into the subject, and sometimes don't even start on the actual subject. I'll spend too much time trying to find the best strategy to learn. For instance when I started teaching myself programming, I spent weeks learning which languages are used for what, which programs people use, how other people learned-- whether they watched videos, bought a text book used in classes, used programming websites, etc. In this case I actually followed through, but I've done the same thing with other skills that I wanted to jump into and then went no further than researching how to learn it.

I'm getting better at following through these says. I tell myself to just do it. You gotta start somewhere so just start. The beginning phase is the hardest because I feel lost or like I might be doing/learning it wrong. Once I get accustomed, then I can get into the zone and the idea of not continuing further is no longer an issue.

I see two ways to look at this. One way is to look at your feelings and say "I want to feel better, more confident about this so I can start." I don't like looking at this topic in this manner because I don't have complete control over my emotions at all times. I don't have to feel 100% confident/excited about something in order to do it. It's like I'm not super excited about taking out my trash, but I do it anyways, so my feelings toward it is irrelevant.

The other way to look at this is to just do it. You don't always have complete control over your feelings, but you have complete control over your actions. So just start on it. It's that simple. Just do it.. I sound like Shia Lebeouf but really it's a no-brainer. You have complete control over what you do, so if you want to learn a subject then start learning it. Disregard uncertainties and just start doing/learning it.

/r/INTP Thread