How do you stay calm?

From personal experience I used to be a rager no matter who I played with, even if it was "just" a normal. Whether it was a group failure, a friend having a bad game, myself tilting it didn't matter I would just get so angry about it. I took a long break from league mainly because it was embarrassing, but it also came with a reality check do I really want to be angry in my leisure time? No, I mean there is more to it on a personal level, but I assume that is different person to person. I suppose what I am trying to get at is do what you enjoy in your leisure time, it is the time of day where you get to blow off steam about your day and what not. Some suggestions towards staying calm if you do choose to continue to play league.

  1. I would avoid fast pace/aggressive music while playing and try to find something soothing if you must play with music. For me I enjoy the sound of rain so that is what I listen to when I have the urge to have background noise.

  2. The people you are playing with are just as human as you are they do have feelings, try to remember that even if they are being toxic. No one enjoys being flamed at least logically.

  3. The people you play with in one game you will more than likely never see again, assuming you're not at high diamond/masters/challenger level. So just try your best to let it go.

  4. Potentially avoid high stress roles for me it's top lane 90% of my top lane games end up with me feeling super tilted and agitated. If you can't avoid that role either dodge or find a comfort hero that even if you play super poorly on you'll still enjoy the game to a certain extent that you don't have the urge to throw your computer out the window.

  5. At the end of the day you need to realize it is just a game, this depends on how competitive you are as a person.

  6. If you played poorly try to realize what you did wrong and how you can improve to avoid that from happening again, but at the same time don't take it so personally try to laugh about something. Maybe there was a poorly done flash or someone completely missed their ultimate just anything.

If you have a really rough game take a few minute break. Go to the bathroom, get a drink and then just relax.

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