How do you stop being so overly sensitive?

I see a lot of posts talking about going to the gym, but I can say that actually engaging in confrontation helps. I'm not talking about fighting. I mean those little moments where you call people out like when someone cuts in line, is being annoying in public, a company or someone is trying to screw you or scam you, that kind of thing. I moved to a state where I have to deal with more BS than my previous state and that's helped to break down that barrier because I used to hate that kind of confrontation. I mean, I'd rather not be involved in it, but I don't back down unless it's a situation where I'm obviously going to lose or have nothing to gain.

That said, my GF owns a business and I'm involved with it; if we have an unhappy client, sure, I am still sensitive to that which I can't stand. Without going into detail our business deals with a permanent product so there's no takesies-backsies. But, we also have a ton of checks and balances so that if someone isn't happy or has a problem the fault is almost always on them.

/r/AskMen Thread