How to stop being a pervert (guys)

Age/location? I'll guess ~16/ US.

It might be my own little tirade but societies influence has led to the idea that you are bad for thinking about sex. You aren't. Other people shaming you for it have likewise been led astray.

You need to reduce your porn consumption. Want to rub one out in the morning or before bed, fine. But if you have time to jack-off more than that you need more work, more exercise, more hobbies. Can't use the internet without looking at porn? Unplug.

Want to not think about sex 24/7? Good luck, me too. People have literally castrated themselves throughout history.

The only time I'm free of the thought is for sometime after having sex. Not jerking off, sex with someone else. Some blow jobs achieve it, one girl did it with a hand job, but usually it has to be P in V. That's the only time I can walk past an attractive woman and not care.

As for commenting on it to women, it's complicated with who and how and whatnot. I've been called a creep for perfectly polite compliments and I've been openly creepy as hell and it's got me laid. I've sat around and objectified women with a hardcore feminist lesbian friend. One girl I talk to gets mad when I objectify her and confesses she likes it.

/r/socialskills Thread