How do I stop indulging my impulses and start getting work done?

There's a few things that worked for me: 1) If you're bothered by wandering thoughts, maybe you could try mindfulness or any other meditation you prefer. 2) Use a pomodoro timer when you work and try to increase the duration every week, say 5 minutes, until you no longer can. 3) If it's noisy where you work, plug in your headphones and listen to whatever sounds help you concentrate. Personally, I love Tide. Plus it has a timer built in which is cool. 4) Don't spend too much time on getting the right tools or apps. Select a popular one and stick to it unless it bothers you. I find Slant reviews helpful, but that's just my opinion. 5) Log what you did. You don't need to log every little detail, but jot down the number of pomodoro sessions you completed and maybe a few lines about what you worked on that day. I think it's helpful because you try to match, if not better, your previous record. And it really helps when you're feeling down and look back at all your streaks!

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