How do I stop sucking at math, or better where do I even start? I have so many basics that are missing....

You sorta sound like me. I'm 26 and last summer had to work through all of algebra 1 on Khan academy and am now taking a per calculus math class at university. It was really frustrating and I berated myself constantly and still do for being an absolute moron because it's what high school kids do and it wasn't just clicking for me the second I was reading it. But that's because that's not how math works. It's a grind and requires relentless effort that is continuously rewarded with occasional bouts of clarity.

There's no way to learn math and "not feel like an idiot" at least not in the way that I think you're asking for. You're going to feel like an idiot,but that's because you're learning. If you don't want to feel like an idiot just keep working on stuff that you already know; that'll massage your ego and you'll also never improve.

You have to learn to embrace the frustration because that means you're working at the limits of your understanding; which means if you push through you can extend that boundary a little bit further. Until you look back and can't even believe how far you've come.

Also the only sure way to enjoy something is to get good at it. And the only way to get good at something is to work at it. It happens; but rare for someone to hate something they're good at. But in order to get good at something you dislike you have to have the will power to put the consistent daily effort to get better. Math and problem solving are skills that do respond to effort. You will get better. And if you get good, then you'll enjoy it. But you'll never enjoy it by dreading it and avoiding it.

Another thing that can be frustrating about math, especially if you're humanities minded like I am. It's pointless to dwell on things like. Why is Pythagoras true? Why does e show up everywhere? Why is pi 3.14? Especially early on. The answer is because they are/do. There I just saved you, at least some, frustration.

There are lots and lots and lots of resources online aimed exactly at your skill level and for the levels that you'll get to as you work along. Try to channel that frustration as curiosity and be easy on yourself. Understand that your frustrations are not unique everyone struggles, unless you're Gauss maybe, but there are lots of people that are happy to help you. If someone like me can go from being told by his friends and family and teachers that he wasn't a math guy. To having a 90 in a university math class. I truly believe anyone actually can do it. It just isn't easy.

/r/learnmath Thread