How do you stop the Sunday night work dread?

I can’t believe some of the answers here, I really genuinely feel for a lot of people behind the comments on this thread.

I felt the same way in my early/mid 20s, got to a point where I was like “fuck this” and worked my arse off to find another job. I happened to land a job somewhere where I actually feel mild disappointment on a Friday that I’m finishing, and feel genuine joy about going to work on a Monday morning.

I didn’t have a degree at the time (although I have since gotten a degree), and my highest qualification was a diploma in software - new career is completely unrelated (finance).

Don’t get me wrong, I have a family at home who I love spending time with - but also have a very rewarding, flexible, autonomous job during the week where I’m respected and treated like an adult.

Highly recommend, where it is feasible to do so, to find a new job/career. It can be terrifying to even consider this, but you can absolutely do it, there’s always a way to figure out how to deal with money/bills/family in the meantime - if you find yourself saying “I can’t do it because XXX”, really have a think - I was the same back then too. I had no idea what the hell I was doing when I was looking for another job and I was pretty sick with fear. I have never looked back, and I am so thankful to my past self for really trying my hardest.

Thoughts are with you, there’s not much worse than dreading spending the large majority of your time somewhere you hate. I really wish you the best.

/r/AskUK Thread