How do I stop viewing every male I meet as a potential future bf/husband ? Help a girl out it’s distracting , time consuming and ruins good friendships.

The issue is in most cases is that I want to stay friends with the guy because we have different core values or because the time isn’t right or whatever but I continue taking it like maybe there is a chance of a relationship and the conversation goes sexual and we start joking about being in a relationship but never get in one because of the above mentioned reasons and in the end I lose a friend and also it hurts like hell cause I can’t be with them and I’ve invested so much of my time and energy into thinking that maybe there is a chance and then I freak out and end the friendship thingy or whatever it is .That is how every single friendship I’ve had with a guy has gone except for my dad and like I want to break the pattern I want to take the guy just as a friend. Is this a dumb question or am I making some sorta sense?

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