how do straight men feel about gay men/friends?

how do straight men feel about gay men/friends?

Strangers are strangers. I don't think about them or have feelings about them 99% of the time, and when I do think about them or have feelings about them, it's in direct response to the context at hand.

Friends are friends. I feel platonic friend feelings towards them.

how do straight guys feel when they catch another guy checking them out or hitting on them?

Like I need to rebuff unwanted sexual advances in the latter case. Like I may need to soon rebuff unwanted sexual advances in the former case.

what’s your stance on messing around with gay friends?

That's gross. You and all the other people who frequently ask these questions look gross as a consequence of asking them.

are these videos feasible?

No. It's just shit to cater to a stupid fetish.

/r/AskMen Thread