How stressed are you right now?

I'm flying a helicopter in a Pacific Island country, but a month ago I had an engine failure over water. Luckily 15-20 seconds before I was going to land on water the power came back and I landed on a beach.

Last week I had another small incident in the same helicopter, followed by another minor mechanical failure in a different helicopter after swapping. The third small mechanical failure was only realised the next day after seeing a shit ton of oil through the engine bay.

My bags are currently packed to flee the country before my boss takes legal action against me, which he has done against previous pilots and also the authorities. Tomorrow I'm going to work, doing one flight, collecting my pay then flying out the next day. I don't trust the helicopter I'm flying and hope my room mate doesn't see me leave in the morning.

I'm meeting with the authorities to discuss my side of the story, because my boss has hidden all these problems from them to avoid being punished. He has legal action against the authorities and the meeting has to be secret, because his lawyers could come after me and block me leaving the country.

I'm a little stressed.

/r/AskReddit Thread