How strong are orks in the TT?

You sure? I mean i have no clue but ive read on goonhammer that the evil sunz are the most used In tournaments.

Our third and final part of the standard set of Kulturs used in tournament lists is Evil Sunz, and people are here for one thing along – the Kultur. This compliments anything that wants to get into melee outrageously well, meaning that even footslogging Boyz squads are usually going to be making charges on turn 2. If your opponent doesn’t respect the extra threat range this gives you on the board they’re going to get overrun very quickly, and even if they do just the +1″ charge out of Deep Strike or Da Jump combines with ‘Ere we go to make charges way more likely to succeed.

None of the rest of the stuff here sees much use – actual Speed Freeks are more common as Deathskulls, so the stratagem doesn’t come up much, while the relic and warlord trait are both extremely forgettable. Doesn’t matter though – 3×30 Evil Sunz Boyz with a Bike Warboss has been the solid hammer swung by most Ork lists for the last year or so, and even in Space Marine meta it remains enduringly popular in successful lists. Even when that isn’t the path taken, some of the other options you can use (Nobz or Meganobz in a Tellyporta) also benefit from this, meaning it’s likely to remain a key part of the arsenal for the forseeable future.

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