How strong is Base Sasuke (Part 1)

I don’t know if you’re trolling or not but if you’re serious, then you are underestimating Sasuke. He was already high genin-low chunnin level prior to training with Kakashi. He has way more feats than simply being able to do fireball jutsu. For example, he was able to react, surprise, and temporarily stop the demon brothers. These guys were stated to be chunnin level by Kakashi. Oh, and this is him without the sharingan. In the forest of death, Sasuke performed better against Orochimaru than Anko did. And Anko was a jounin. Also, it was stated that Sasuke was at the top of his class when he graduated from the academy and you’re saying he may/may not be able to beat Ino, Hinata, Choji, Also, Rock Lee and Neji are arguably chunnin-low genin level, especially Rock Lee. So of course they would beat Sasuke. What’s funny is that you said Kabuto is chunnin level. Kabuto is actually high jounin level as he took out the multiple Anbu that were guarding Sasuke. Orochimaru even compares him to be at the level of Kakashi.

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