How the sub could be better.

Why does it make you sad, because you don't know how far it's fallen, or because you do. I know it used to have an automod before my time. What happened to that? Frankly, I'm about to yeet myself from reddit. This sub wasn't great when I got to it, but it got better. Then we hit front page on a vax post, and the antivaxx trolls have poured in since. And you and your fellow "mods" have failed at your moderator responsibilities. You don't want to do the job, resign. You need more help, recruit. But all you have offered for months is hollow promises with no visible follow through. You should be embarrassed. The old reddit addage holds up, mods are a power tripping joke. The fact that you would not only refuse to use my volunteer assistance, but then threaten me. You are carrying yourselves like clowns.

/r/IBEW Thread Parent