"How do I support what I am?" rather than "How do I be better than I am/behave correctly" aka be what I'm not

I think this is where I am now.

Been dealing with some difficult situations and I don't have the experience or immediate family to turn to for advice. And I am doing what I can from what I know and it feels like a handicap because people I may have to compete with professionally obviously have that privilege of getting advice when they need it and it will not be coercive or pressured.

It's the gap in experience, the uncertainty, and fear that I am not sure of handling. And then there's pressure - how do I push back all the time without triggering myself. It's so much better than where I was.

I am just exactly where you are. It's terrifying but makes me calm somehow. Maybe it's because I know that I will be able to protect and defend myself.

/r/CPTSDNextSteps Thread