How the systemic failures of the Pandemic show that our institutions are woefully underequipped for a time of hyper-novelty.

Medical and scientific fields captured by perverse incentives.

As someone who both lost a kidney to a misdiagnosis, and has also ended up having to live with a leg length difference of nearly three inches due to a doctor's unwillingness to operate while I was still growing, I have always felt intense resentment towards the degree to which medical science is revered in our society. With the exception of virology, I consider said reverence to be almost totally unjustified.

We also need to do a better job of protecting individuals who go against the prevailing narratives.

The original definition of the phrase "hate speech" was the statement that homosexuality is wrong. That was the precedent. Once it became established with said precedent, that the summary deletion of literally any idea was justifiable if it was sufficiently offensive to someone, the floodgates were opened. At this point, governments don't need to try and justify to populations why censorship is necessary; said populations demand it themselves.

I admit to having felt a strong impulse to self-censor and delete the above, because of the predictable reaction that it will receive from the compulsively dishonest, but I am going to resist said urge. If there is a strong reaction to the above, and particularly if I am accused of bigotry for it, then that will only prove my point; that the gay community, more than probably any other single group, are foundationally responsible for creating pretext for the type of society predicted by George Orwell.

Go ahead, Leftists. Crucify me for this. Show everyone that I'm right.

/r/IntellectualDarkWeb Thread