How to talk about it?

It's never an easy discussion to have in the first place. Most people don't understand why our bodies work differently than the rest. My mom and sister are the most understanding in my life, as they both have fibro as well. My wife and dad, on the other hand, don't (or didn't) fully understand it.

It has taken my dad several years to be more accommodating to my mom and sister. Seeing them worn out by doing nothing while pushing themselves when it really matters kinda changed his viewpoints. Myself, on the other hand, while we are getting closer, he still treats me a tad different, which I think is because I'm a guy and I should be able to do all the manly things he does (and trust me, I try, but then I'm dead for a week).

I think, probably, one of the best ways to explain these things is by using the spoon theory. Using this to explain it a bit further to my wife has made her cool down a bit on asking me to do certain things. There'll be times when I've done a million things over the past few days, and she asks for just that one cherry on top and I have to stop and say, "hon, I have no more spoons."

For someone that isn't into traditional medicine, this may be your best approach in talking to your mother about it. I wish you the best of luck! Keep us posted on how it goes!

/r/Fibromyalgia Thread