How do you talk about yourself without talking about trauma?

I'm a little confused. Why would any of that come up in a TEXT conversations with a POTENTIAL date? Pre date texting is small talk. First and second date talk is also not super revealing. I think you might struggle with boundaries and over sharing. I personally wouldn't talk about my abusive marriage for a while. If they asked, I'd give them a tiny synopsis of what happend and then a much larger commentary on the positive lessons I learned. I'd talk about the steps I took to heal from it and why it's made me into the awesome person I am now. Your past doesn't need to be wallowed in and vomited all over everyone you meet. It can be mentioned, over time, when topical, and then refocused to now. The abuse that happened in my life is not something I think about because I've done the work and healed from it, so it's not ever what I lead with. Same with my mental illness etc. I'm not that person anymore. I'm not hiding those things, it's just not important.

/r/datingoverthirty Thread