How do i tell an ugly women that i don't like her because shes ugly without being an asshole?

I'd suggest you stop classifying women as ugly or hot and try to think of others more favorably. You can just not be attracted to someone without calling them ugly. People might not be your type, but "ugly" is still a pretty gross word to use for people imo.

Also, and I'm gonna make assumptions about you here, watch less porn and actually talk to women more. They have interesting stuff to say too, you know? Maybe you'll actually make a meaningful connection with someone you vibe with instead of waiting for a model to randomly fall in love with you. Of course you don't have to date someone you aren't physically attracted to, but being judgmental and shallow isn't the road to a fulfilling life.

If I misread you, feel free to ignore my rant. But I feel like for many people on here that would be a healthy change in life.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread