How to I tell my employer *politely* that she has to allow my service dog to accompany me to work?

Though some are not necessaries, I will list most of them:

He provides DPT when I am in a panic attack to suppress my nervous system and bring me down.

He provides tactile stimulation when I am about to disassociate or am disassociated

When I am disassociated or in a panic attack he can “find exit” and guide me out of wherever I am when I am disoriented

He can bring me anything I need, open doors, fridges, bring medications, ect

He can interrupt and redirect me when I am doing certain behaviors I shouldn’t.

He can bark into the phone when 911 is called to signal an emergency

I also am narcoleptic and he can nudge me or put his paws in certain areas to wake me up/ help me stay awake.

/r/Advice Thread Parent