How to tell my husband he’s putting too much on me after giving birth

This is mental and physical abuse. I hate to be blunt but he is also raping you. You have made It clear that you are in pain and that this is something that you don’t want. Sex should never be a ‘rule’ or a requirement. That isn’t love. He isn’t caring for you or showing how much he loves you. He belittles, controls and puts you down at every opportunity. You know deep down that this is wrong, otherwise you wouldn’t be posting looking for advice. What he is doing is control and coercion. It won’t be easy but find a friend or family member that you can trust to help support you and get you out of this. It’s much harder doing it alone, especially with a baby. He has used the fact that he is older than you to manipulate and abuse you. This man will sap all of the energy and life out of you like a leech if you stay. He will turn you into a shadow of who you were. I had twenty years of this (he was 31 and I was 20). You can get out of this and find happiness and a life you truly deserve. Not the living hell that you are experiencing now.

/r/relationship_advice Thread