How do I tell my parents that I smoke cigarettes?

Oh because you must be soooo goddamn perfect and you were never a teen, a very vulnerable age. No one wants your unsolicited advice and no one cares for it either. No need to be so damn rude. I'm not defending her choices, she can do whatever she wants with her life. If she doesn't know the consequences now, life will be the one teaching her in the future. Instead of being a judgemental asshat, why don't you actually give her meaningful and helpful advice instead, hmm? Such as encouraging her to speak to her parents, or motivating her to see her decisions through a different perspective, and maybe she will think twice about it. How do you expect other teens with similar problems to improve if people like you are actually encourgaing them to develop an ADDICTION. Now that's a waste of human space. I'm bring up your other comment too, what shit do you do to prevent pollution? Trust me, one less smoker won't do shit to fix this planet. Humble yourself.

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