How do I tell which territory is mine, is my opponent's, and is unclaimed?

At the end of a game, If a space or collection of spaces are bordered by only one color, the spaces belong to that color. This will be easier to see after removing dead stones (ie stones which have no potential to form eyes, or otherwise live).

If there is ever a collection of points that are bordered by both colors, it is likely that you simply haven't finished the game yet. You must try to claim these, or deny them to your opponent until neither player can make a move that would benefit them.

Times will arise where there are one or two points that are bordered by both colors, but could not be claimed without filling them in. Typically players will take turns filling these in, making counting points easier.

It is possible to have a point or two in which whoever plays first will cause the capture of their own stones. Don't worry to much about how this would work, you will know it when you see it. At this point neither player will play there and those points are awarded to neither player.

Surrounding a living enemy group does not award you the territory inside the living enemy group.

Remember: areas that are bordered by only one color belong to that color!

Areas that are bordered by more than one color are not yet fully decided

/r/baduk Thread