How to tell your gf had a hoeish past?

Straight up just talk about it. What’s her number? Add a few more on top of it because almost guaranteed it will be lower than the truth. Whatever the number is double it for the amount bjs she’s given, triple it for the amount of times she’s been fingered or given handies. Then take that number and divide it by her (her age - 14) and then you’ll have her dudes/year ratio. Based on that number the rest is really your comfort level. There is no one number where it’s like “insta slut!” But if you’re uncomfortable past a certain number then yeah... hoe. Seen a lot of talk and articles about the pair bonding capacity for a woman to be pretty worn out by the time they hit 30 partners. Personally I’d say if it’s more than 30 by the time their 30 it’s too many.

/r/MGTOW Thread