How was today? Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Today was a weird day for people interactions. This morning, I was waiting at the train station, reading my book, and this bald guy in a blue coat says, "Hi, may I ask what you're reading?" I didn't want to engage so I just said, "Oh it's just a novel." He said, "I'm pretty well read myself, lifelong learning, you know." I agreed noncommittally and went back to my book. He then said, "You're a very beautiful young woman." I focused on my book and mumbled thanks. Then he said, "Can I ask what your name is?" and I said, "No." To which he thankfully replied, "Ok, have a nice day" and moved off to wait. He got on the train too but got off before me, thankfully, I was bit worried he'd follow me. It was so weird! And I'm like, I am NOT beautiful, how hard up are you? This is the first time anything like that has happened to me, I've never even been flirted with before.

Then I had a nice little chat with a girl at the bus station that I had talked to yesterday, confirming that she was waiting for the right bus and telling her when it would there; I asked her about how her day yesterday had gone. That one wasn't weird.

THEN, waiting at the bus stop on the way home, standing there watching for the bus, this lady comes walking up and goes, "Don't you stare at me, I don't want anything to do with you" and goes to wait for the bus behind me. And I'm just like...?

For somebody who usually doesn't interact with many people outside work, it was quite the day.

/r/Howwastoday Thread