How do top colleges have only like 20k avg student dept?

Either the super poor or super rich go to top colleges

i love it when people give uninformed takes and then this whole subreddit upvotes because emotions. who do you think makes up the majority of top colleges? 30% feeder , 20% "low-income". That leaves 50% of the class as "middle class"

All the financial aid goes towards the super poor, allowing them to attend for free.

yes because the 60% of the class that is on financial aid at top schools are all taken up by the "super poor".

Very little people in the middle attend these colleges because they would have to take out a lot of debt

nah, a lot of people in the middle attend these colleges because their parents saved up for college. this subreddit is proof of that.

yes, the middle class gets absolutely yeeted, just look at my EFC!, but i don't know what you're on about.

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