How to travel the world

How old are you? How much money do you have?

If you want to work and live in another country, and are generally under 32 or 30 (depends on the country) check out if you are eligible for a working holiday visa. I'd suggest for sake of ease, choose another English speaking country like Australia, New Zealand. You get to live and work for generally up to a year, sometimes two depending on your nationalities

If you aren't eligible, then you just need to save up money. Travel is expensive, but so is living life. Paying all sorts of bills and food for survival.

Maybe you pay 1000 USD rent every month, well see if you can move back with your parents. That's 1000 USD that you won't have to spend anymore on rent, wait a year and you have 12000 USD saved on not paying rent. Well, my parents are like that with rent. I hear American parents stereotypically kick their kids out at 18, so I don't know how American parents do it

There are many many ways to save money for travel. Saving money on things you don't need, trying to work an extra job. Cutting costs on things like rent if possible, maybe get a roommate or move back in with your parents for a while.

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