How to vote?

There are 8 columns, first column for Mayor, Second for Deputy Mayor, Third for Ward Chairperson, fourth for Ward Female Member, Fifth for ward Dalit Female Member, sixth and seventh for ward member,

For first five columns you need to stamp into only one symbol, but for sixth or seventh you can stamp two, eg you can stamp congress in sixth column and also can stamp UML of sixth column, but you have to leave seventh column empty. Or vice versa in seventh column, in that case you should leave sixth column empty.

If you are going to vote 5 party coalition make sure the symbol you are voting has candidate. In my ward Congress and Samajbadi have coalition, third symbol and seventh symbol has no congress candidate. If I vote stamp on tree in 3rd and 7th column, my vote will get invalid.

Due to coalition maximum votes are going to be invalid this time.

/r/Nepal Thread