How and when does the topic about condoms come up?

And then you have an STD. What now?

The issue of STD's are a massive scam and completely overblown. It's only dangerous if you don't get it treated. If I get frequent checkups, they're a non-issue.

You got it all wrong then. First of all, women know how a successful guy looks like and what he has. (Talking about Personality traits as well)

Not really. The money part and becoming successful in TRP is mostly about yourself. Making your own life better. It doesn't really help all that much with women. You don't flex your money out in the field. It's mostly about bone structure, looks, genetics and personality.

Regarding making money, it's also entirely luck based. Honestly the most you can do is to choose a good career in college and just follow that path like a zombie. Then hit the gym 3 times a week. That's TRP summed up. You still gotta approach women non-stop and try really hard. It's still gonna take you weeks if not months just to get 1 lay.

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