How will reddit explain Sander's epic loss? You know how.

Believe what? I asked you to quote the article and use your words. Lol

Backup your claims.

My information contradicts yours.

Cool. I bet she regrets supporting segregation huh? Lo

No proof she did.

Do you know why most people oppose affirmative action? Lol its the same reason they oppose reparations.

So you're against correcting institutional racism and sexism; got it

I'll give you one goes as to why most people oppose AA though. It's pretty easy. Hint: Its institutional racism

So sanders is racist? Got it.

What exactly di you think is made up? Lol


Why would I?

Because actual leftists do.

Fix your own house, then you can help others. Fix your own house, then you can lead others. Fix your own house, then you can tell others how to live.

Yeah because you can't help immigrants and Americans at the same time; impossible!

Now he actively opposes them? Interesting. Proof?

Posted it; read it.

Oh yea? I bet asking her for her transcripts is far worse huh?

Calling her a cunt and threatening rape is.

Denying a black man is an American Christian out of pure racism though and doing this publicly is totally not as bad. Hahahahaha

Christian isn't a race.

"Sorry guys, even though I'm in a position to help directly, even if only a little, I can't because it's not that much power"

Sanders never voted in favor of the violence against women act; I guess he supports women getting beaten up without recourse.

What a great leader she is.

Better than sanders.

Id bet $10k that most of both those demographics have no clue he said anything at all about planned parenthood.

They know PP better than sanders.

Black politicians support Hillary. Black intellectuals support Bernie.

So you're saying most black people are stupid? There it is; the berniebro.

When republicans own all 3 branches you'll have no one to blame but yourselves for backing a robot that's directly responsible for most problems facing America.

If sanders can't win a primary he can't win a GE; basic logic.

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