How will server meshing work?

This is an excellent question. And the answer is you won’t ever have everyone in the same spot (my guess). It may work like tony z quanta talk for the dynamic economy. There could be a probability curve for a player cap assigned to different areas of the systems around.. random space/planets/moons/cities/outpost etc. if there are a ton of people, then the chance the servers will produce npc will go down because it’s meeting that probability. The problem I see with this is large parties or expecting to go to a warzone and realizing that it’s not there because well yeah. Lol. We’ve seen what happens when 50 people are in the same spot on a server which is def doable. The question is how high can that ceiling go before someone’s hardware melts. I think that’s one of the reasons why they keep telemetry data to figure out what an average users hardware looks like. Also this slow burn dev might be a “we need the average person to have better hardware to make this idea more feasible” so they may be just riding that wait for better tech wave. Another thing that comes to mind is that shadow service which allows you to rent pc performance from a server farm for x amount a month which could help boost a pc. Not sure if that works with your current hardware or just uses your peripherals? Idk I’m literally thinking out loud and not a network engineer or programmer. But this is a very good question. I would hope this is the hardest thing they are working on since it’s the biggest hurdle imo.

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