How has a woman broken your brain with her appearance?

I'm a girl, but this story STILL gets brought up by my family, so I thought I'd share it. I was in California a couple of years ago, and we were walking down one of those narrow, winding streets. It was a really nice day out, and tons of people were out and about. I was looking around, and across the street there's this shirtless guy, doing pushups on the side of the sidewalk closest to the street. Dude had insane shoulders and the golden rays of the sun only accentuated it, making for a mesmerizing sight. I looked a little too long and slammed facefirst into a parking meter, and the laughter of my entire family and the people behind us registered before the pain :(. My brother tells me the guy noticed and laughed a little too, but I was so ashamed that I had a staring contest with the ground until we reached the car.

/r/AskMen Thread