This is how women enjoy casual sex?

**Shhhh If you see how I wrote the post and how many famous abuse victim items I linked, you will understand I wrote it pretending to help him.

He is not interested in help and never will be. They don’t know that though. They show signs of the deepest depths of Stockholm syndrome. A brainwashing self-preserving defense mechanism. It comes from being close with a abuser. It also can additionally keep a victim close with a abuser for a lifetime, or until a young death.

He is very good at what he does. He abuses her. That power dynamic alone of acceptable things to say about humans shows that. He is allowed to say unalloyed things. They have a working conscience… which means they are not having a fun time with him and giggling about silly dark humor, he is serious, and they are someone who is trapped. And he says it himself. He LOVES trapping people.

Saying something along the lines of “leave” or “hey so he’s a killer and a torturer.” Or “You’re in danger every second” that’s not a nuanced response. It cannot function as a baby step forward for someone in Stockholm. Their livelihood depends first on a happy abuser. When I phrase the abusers needs first, I phrase it in a way that the victim can now safely justify reading or looking for recourses.

This person is easily killable. We’re not invincible. I’m trying to help them even though it quite literally looks hopeless.

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