How women rate attractiveness

I can understand that you are kinda biased against women saying that this rating system doesnt work or that they also factor in personality and imo thats kinda true.

However i can only try to explain how it works for me:

personality and looks are intertwined (my opinion and experience). Its not a 1:1 relation or causation but it is correlated, esp. if we talk about real life examples.

What you often hear on the internet: "would you rather date an ugly person with great personality or vice versa" ... well tbh it doesnt work that way.

Your personality, aka your lifes everyday actions do have lots of consequences, some of which might not appear right away but only after some years.

Eat shit, never work out, ... we all know what this does to you. You ll never get the body shape you want which in turn again will make you less confident

Have a highranking job, especially one you worked hard for, or your dream job ... same story, gives confidence, better appearance, clothes

Live alone, maybe be depressed, no friends, looking at porn or other useless shit... enjoy your fucked up hormonal levels and in turn much worse overall looks.

Too much drugs, alcohol, never caring about shit, depression... all them have quite a similar effect on your body and system. Some Girls can do all the shit up until 25 because their hormones save them, but eventually you ll see how they spend their youth.

Same with some of these plastic girls from insta or twitch who have all the "attractive features" but just all look the fucking same to me. Usually Boob job, hundred poses to show avery aspect of their ass, i could go on but i dont wanna...

(none of this is meant hateful. I regret lots of life choices myself and still fight with depression. Also I would never expect anyone to have "checked all the boxdes 100% or 10/10". Those are honestly just the basic things on top of my head.)

To me nothing is more attractive than an average girl that has one or more goals in life, tries to work hard for them, has some nice people around her but doesnt care about looking like anorexic stacy

Ofc this doesnt mean that you can just categorize people that easily, just like your system mine mostly works on the surface of personality, you still have to get to know them for yourself, but to me it still works a lot better than fucking 1/10 ...

Hopefully my rambling does make sense to at least some.

/r/IncelsWithoutHate Thread