How would an anarchist society still be able to supply high volume demands for necessary things, such as research or civil engineering?

yes lol my dad's job- not a civil engineer but close enough lol- is basically to take machines apart and put them back together, kinda like making sure everything's done right. he fuckin loves it, before that he worked in autobody shops which he loved, and he's also an electrician and lives that stuff.

most engineers, mechanics, etc i've talked to are super into their jobs, and not just cuz its what they love but also cuz they feel like theyre doing something socially valuable.

if anything, in a world without money there'd be more ppl like civil engineers or at least more who sincerely love it because ppl won't be held back from education by the market and won't be going thru the motions just to get a job with good pay.

/r/Anarchy101 Thread