How would you describe your voice?

I might have a particularly strong regional accent. Its from the central valley of California (not SoCal Valley speak, LA is in an arm pit and I’ll never go south of Santa Cruz again). Its apparently distinct from and less well known than LA or bay area accents.

All I know is that in Seattle, someone asked if I was from somewhere in England, and other people will curiously ask if we’re from somewhere in the south. A local musician was referred to as having a “Sacramento drawl” in a national article. I can’t hear it at all.

We had a lot of dust bowl migration here, and some southern ancestry, with some general California vowels. Like apparently not everyone says “cot” and “caught” the same way. Anyways, since its not as well known as the bay or LA ones, it seems to catch people’s ear. I have a somewhat distinct enough voice, where I think it might come off strongly.

/r/AskMen Thread