How would you describe your cognitive functions? In your particular case

Ni: Everything Has A Meaning and it is my job to find it out and think about this for everything always, my life has one purpose I need to find or I'll be unfulfilled, I must plan everything I do obsessively or everything will go wrong and I will die, if we don't start thinking about how to impliment real change into society for the future our future generations will be screwed, the root of the problem has to be addressed or there's no point, I must learn everything about this one topic and not think about anything else all month, I'm not gonna study for this test and somehow manage to know most of the answers, this movie is so boring and easy to predict why can't something shock me for once, realises that a friend is going to stop talking to me soon but has no explanation or way to stop it, gets told I'm the most "in my head" person even my mother has ever met, watches shows just to psychoanalyse people and their thinking patterns

Te: Why is that person doing something wrong it is my job to correct them, things are really obvious and I don't get why nobody just listens to me, if we don't get this in order it's going to bother me and make me angry, I'm so smart my judgements must always be correct and the way I do things must be too, if I fail something like a test I might aswell die as success is the only thing that matters and will define me forever, talking to people bluntly just gets the point across and there's no use skirting around things, I hate when people lie as it makes this confusing but I'm gonna go ahead and make this easier for myself, I wish I could just have everything in my life fit into a system, instead of giving emotional reassurance I'm just gonna tell them how to fix their problems that works too right

Fi: Morals are black/white and if people break them they are clearly just bad and there's no middle ground, I'm depressed and I'm gonna just keep this shit inside of me and become an unhealthy mess of repressed emotions, I can kind of understand why someone's upset but unless it's logical my empathy will hardly work, I'm gonna do this for /me/ not you why would I make my decisions based on other people that's ridiculous, has an individual sense of style, creates characters and worlds in my head to express/entertain myself, wants accepance and to be close to people but also gross that's hard and it's easier for me to just not do that when being on my own makes me happy too

Se: I didn't notice when we got a new rug in our living room but I hyperfixate on the thunderstorm outside, terrified of impulsivity but still thinks about every time I've gotten an adrenaline rush and craves it, lazes around all day over-eating and indulging in the sensory, did sports as a child but quickly grew out of them, admires people who live in the moment and is super attracted to them but knows I am never going to be able to do that and will always be over-analyzing every minute of my life and that ultimately I am never going to be able to just relax and be happy in the way other people seem to

(Honestly who knows if any of this is accurately function related but)

/r/mbti Thread