How would you describe your relationship with your Father? What do you wish you could change about it? What would you do? What do you wish he would do?

My father disowned me in around 2008 for being LGBT, but before that, it was pretty good.
He hanged himself in 2013, and the coroner's report cited my queerness as being a leading factor in his depression, along with his marriage.

There's really not much I could have changed about it; the last time we spoke he threatened to smash my head in for daring to phone home. I daresay that if I'd forced the issue, I'd be in a hospital somewhere getting .22 bullets removed from me.

I wish he could have come to terms with who I am, but for whatever reason he couldn't, and he put me in a position where any attempts on my behalf would have exacerbated the situation.
Ideally, in a better funded, better staffed mental health system, he would have gotten the help he needed, after he was committed for his first suicide attempt. I think the toxic masculinity that pervades older male culture in NZ robs men of the tools they need to deal with complex emotional stressors and gives them very narrow coping mechanisms - virtually none of them healthy.

/r/newzealand Thread