How would you guys build Big Boss from Metal Gear Solid?

This is very hard to optimize for, because Big Boss is extraordinarily good at a fair number of things. He's the guy whose character generation rolls you're jealous of; a faithful array wouldn't have a stat lower than 12 and at least a couple of 16s.

Crossbow Expert and some method to get accuracy and damage for his gunplay. CQC, in my opinion, is more about Expertise(Athletics) and Grapple/Shoving enemies for throws. He then definitely has Expertise in at least Stealth and possibly features to boost that.

My personal opinion here is you're optimizing to be Big Boss, so there are going to be some compromises in raw effectiveness - I honestly don't feel like you can make CQC synergize well enough to justify it if you weren't going for Big Boss. Regardless starting from level 1 is going to be a tough row to hoe, but I feel like by level 20 the character would have Fighter, Rogue, and Ranger levels.

If you're using the PHB version, Ranger's the one that hurts effectiveness the most, probably. Natural Explorer grants advantage to tracking, and getting Archery AND Dueling (you pick the other up in your Fighter levels) is great for Crossbow Expert. The recently released Revised Ranger can actually be the main class and is an even better dip. 1st level gets you advantage on initiative and against any creature that hasn't acted on your first t

Rogue has plenty of breakpoints in my opinion. You can just get Expertise in Stealth (duh) and your choice of Expertise in Athletics (CQC), Nature, Survival, or Sleight of Hand. 2 gets you Cunning Action. If you're only going to 3, Assassin is a good choice for surprise auto-criticals. A 3 Thief grants you a more versatile Cunning Action and some bonuses to climbing. The next Big Thing is Expertise for two of the other ones at 6, if that's important to you; 9 in Thief grants you bonus on stealth when moving slowly, and 11th gets you Reliable Talent. You'll almost certainly want to go to 12 for the ASI if you go this far, meaning you've racked up 6d6 Sneak Attack dice and 4 feats.

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