How would you rate your childhood on a scale of 1-10 (1 being a living hell, 10 being a dream childhood) and why do you give it that rating?

Maybe a 5? My childhood wasn't horrible but it also wasn't great.

My parents were a bit absent in my life, they never showed up to my recitals or performances. They always complained when I joined sports teams because that meant they'd have to get up early on a Saturday morning to watch me play. My dad has a short fuse and gets angry very quickly and wasn't shy about abusing us. One time he was helping my older sister with her homework (she's not his biological child) and she just didn't understand what was being asked of her and my dad just lost it, he ripped all the pages out of the dictionary and told her she was the stupidest bitch alive. Another time, when I was about 5, my older brother (also not his biological child) pushed me, playfully, as siblings do, and I fell into a mirror and cut my forehead, my dad grabbed him by the throat and slammed him against the wall and said that if my brother ever touched me again, my dad would kill him. When I was 16 I came home late from school one day and my dad picked me up by the collar on my shirt, smacked me into a door, the chain on the door cut the back of my head, then he threw me through the door and it broke my ribs. He would smack me for anything he could justify, accidentally dropping a plate or cup while doing the dishes, talking during the news, waking up to early in the morning. My mother just sat by and let it all happen. I still have anxiety attacks when I'm around them. When I recognise that my father is starting to get angry I start panicking and have to leave immediately.

But people out there definitely have it worse than me.

/r/AskReddit Thread