How would your Big Brother Winner Rankings change with the following changes?

Well, to be fair, Emmet and Jillian had horrid jury management

Jillian was the one who had horrid jury management. Emmett brilliantly let Jillian take the fall for all the backstabs and betrayals that they planned together. He knew that Peter, Alec, and Topaz were a huge voting block in jury, and he made sure that when he and Jillian took a shot at them, Jillian got all the blame. The jury loved Emmett, while they all saw Jillian as a lying snake.

But past that, I agree that there’s often disparities between who viewers see as the best players, and who jurors see as the best players, but that doesn’t take away from the point that the person who the viewers generally see as the strongest player tends to narrowly miss out on the win. Had Emmett, Neda, or Tim made it to the final 2, they would have had the votes to beat either finalist. Had Godfrey had more time to explain his game to the jury, he might’ve beaten Sarah.

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