How do y'all read the Bible?

  1. Morning :I start by reading one chapter of OT from which ever book I'm currently at (I read the OT through about once ans the NT three times every year). Then I usually pray, in the morning my prayers have to do with my sanctification, service, wisdom and guidance for the day and so on. After that I usually do a selection of daily readings, for the morning there is a passage from the Gospels, a exhortatative passage from the Epistles and a psalm. After that I may pray some more (I often use ready made prayers) and browse through some more passages.

2.Afternoon :I read one chapter from NT, from which ever book I'm at. I usually read one book three times and then move on to the next one. I might also do a lbrief prayer, and some of the daily readings selected for the afternoon. I must admit that especially this afternoon 'stop' is something I often do rather quickly, I should try to to concentrate it more.

  1. Evening : I read one chapter of OT, and perhaps some selected daily readings for the evening that include a passage from a propethical book, a passage from wisdom books and a psalm. I often read something else, too. Also this is the time dor intercession prayer.

This is the usual ldaily routine from Monday to Saturday, but on Sundays I have no routine: then I just rest, reading what I feel like reading.

Also I sometimes translate a verse or two from the Greek NT, that's when I also analyse the verse more, read a commentary etc. I also read, analyse and study for my job (I teach the Bible, and study theology).

I usually use few different translations, but the English translation I mostly use is NIV. My native language is Finnish, so I also read different Finnish translations.

"Daily Readings" is a selection of readings for each day of the month, divided into three sections. I have made it myself, and it helps me to read widely.

I don't use any Bible Reading plans, because I like to keep things flexible, and also, after years of experience, trying different systems, I have come to know which reading habits fit best to me. Also, if reading becomes too much of a performance or a burden, I can just take a break.

I actually used to read more, but then I decided to slow down, to use more time on reflection and so on. That 'meditative' part has always been difficult for me to keep up, to actually stop and think, and I still struggle with it.

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